Professional Photographers & Videography
Professional Photographers & Videography
Service Description
Photographers are artists with the camera, using a blend of technical skills and an artistic eye to take pictures of people, places, landscapes, food, you name it. Photographers can work as fine artists, wedding and event photographers, or sell their photos to commercial clients. Videographer is part director, part sound man and part editor. Generates and inserts on-screen text and graphics in live productions using cameras, DVRs, switching equipment and a piece of digital editing equipment called an edit controller. Editing is done digitally, since all video is done digitally these days. This service category listed is classified as a BESPOKE SERVICE Requiring a CONSULTATION (conversation with you) to assess the exact requirements Example: Deadlines - Budget etc Allowing us to give you a more honest quote for any work/is required For more detail about this particulars Products, Opportunities and/or Services Category Please use the BOOK NOW Button To let us know when it is convenient for your to your (free no obligation consultation) With a member of our team Please provide us with your name - email address - best contact number and a brief description of this Service Category and/or any other requirement/s Five Hubs & 3 Platforms 1 Purpose Thank you for your patience whilst we get back to you as quickly as we can

Contact Details
East London London, England , GBR