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Data Analyst

Find the right person to manage your data analytics

30 min
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Service Description

Data analysts translate numbers into plain English Every business collects data, whether it's sales figures, market research, logistics, or transportation costs. A data analyst's job is to take that data and use it to help companies make better business decisions. To find the right Data Analyst for you at Five Hubs network, we can help you with: • Interpret data, analyze results using statistical techniques and provide ongoing reports • Develop and implement databases, data collection systems, data analytics and other strategies that optimize statistical efficiency and quality • Acquire data from primary or secondary data sources and maintain databases/data systems • Filter and “clean” data by reviewing computer reports, printouts, and performance indicators to locate and correct code problems • Work with management to prioritize business and information needs • Locate and define new process improvement opportunities This service category listed is classified as a BESPOKE SERVICE Requiring a CONSULTATION (conversation with you) to assess the exact requirements Example: Deadlines - Budget etc Allowing us to give you a more honest quote for any work/is required For more detail about this particulars Products, Opportunities and/or Services Category Please use the BOOK NOW Button To let us know when it is convenient for your to your (free no obligation consultation) With a member of our team Please provide us with your name - email address - best contact number and a brief description of this Service Category and/or any other requirement/s Five Hubs & 3 Platforms 1 Purpose Thank you for your patience whilst we get back to you as quickly as we can

Contact Details

East London London, England , GBR

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